The Squad

Three gun-toting, quick-witted girls move their drug operation to a new spring break hot spot every year. With sales reaching $1 million, they land on ..
Starring:Alea Hansinger, Meghan Carrasquillo, Grace Evans
Creators:Rick Walker
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"The Squad" ... Three gun-toting, quick-witted girls move their drug operation to a new spring break hot spot every year. With sales reaching $1 million, they land on the radar of a seldom seen drug lord only known as "Frosty The Snowman" who sends his hitmen to eliminate them..

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The Squad

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The Squad

The Squad

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Release Date
Action, Crime, Thriller
Added in
January 27, 2024
Alea Hansinger Meghan Carrasquillo Grace Evans Julia Avila Wil Wilson

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